Hallmark serves as the program manager on behalf of the Los Vaqueros Joint Powers Authority for the Phase II Reservoir Expansion Project. The Los Vaqueros Reservoir is an existing water storage facility owned and operated by the Contra Costa Water District. The Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion Project (Project) will increase the capacity of the Reservoir from 160,000 acre-feet to 275,000 acre-feet to improve water supply reliability for south-of Delta public water agencies served by the Central Valley Project and California State Water Project, develop water supplies for managed wetlands, and improve water quality for consumptive uses, while protecting Delta fisheries and providing other Delta ecosystem benefits. The expansion will also improve water supply reliability through the construction of new or modification of existing water conveyance facilities.
Results: In addition to providing oversight to ensure costs are reasonable, and cost allocations are equitable and transparent, Hallmark is providing administration services for the JPA. As program manager Hallmark provides project accounting, invoice review, budget forecasts, facilitation of board and committee meetings, management of costs and schedules. Hallmark is also responsible for management and administration of a complex series of agreements between the JPA members, Contra Costa Water District, East Bay Municipal Utility District, and the JPA that are foundational to the success of the project.