Hallmark was retained by the Water Blueprint for the San Joaquin Valley (Blueprint) to develop and implement a strategic plan to bring an additional two-million-acre feet of water supply to the San Joaquin Valley to avoid fallowing 800,000 acres of productive farmland. The Blueprint is a coalition of San Joaquin Valley community leaders, businesses, agricultural representatives, local governments, and public water agencies formed to create a unified regional voice and to advance common sense solutions to chronic and expanding water supply shortages in the Valley. In addition to implementation of the strategic plan, Hallmark provides a variety of services, including coordination of the Blueprint’s activities, to identify and prioritize feasible water infrastructure projects, and to advise Blueprint Board of Directors on potential state and federal policy changes to ameliorate socio-economic and environmental harm resulting from scarcity of water supplies.
Results: Hallmark has identified projects capable of capturing and storing nearly two-million-acre feet of additional water supply. Through further analysis, Hallmark has located regions where the water is most needed, identified constraints such as adequate conveyance, and developed a series of projects to address constraints. Based on this analysis, Hallmark a proposed a plan, approach, and funding needed for implementation.